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Gerry Weinberg & Associates, Inc. | Southfield, Michigan

Professional Sales Tactics

These professional sales tactics are stories that will walk through come sales scenario's and provide tips on how the situation could have gone differently.

A Prospect Who Is Listening Is No Prospect At All

Mr. Ross, a local antique dealer, stopped by John’s car dealership to look at cars. John had a great looking, previously owned SUV with low mileage and many attractive features that appealed to Mr. Ross.

Give Pain Solutions, Not Education Solutions.

The table in the conference room at the prospect’s office was the biggest one Tim had ever seen. A highly polished finish reflected even the muted lighting. Tim was prepared to present his solution to the ten people gathered there. Knowing it was going to be either his solution or the competitor’s, Tim had a presentation that would answer every last question. During the past week, Tim had done little else than prepare for this moment.

What Would You Like Me To Do Now?

It was now 4:30 on Friday afternoon, and it was the last day of the month. Tim had been trying to close the sale for the past two hours. If he closed, he’d not only meet his monthly quota, but earn a bonus. Tim was under a lot of pressure.

Have Prospects Close Themselves

Nick was climbing the wall because he could not figure out how to close the prospect. The prospect had spent the last hour with Nick and appeared to want to buy. But he didn’t know what to do. If only he could remember what the experienced salespeople had told him to do.

Prospects who talk buy.

Jim knew his product information and enjoyed prospects who asked a lot of questions. In fact, he thought, the more questions they ask, the better. An in-depth answer for every question.

“Excuse me,” a male voice asked from behind him.

Jim turned to find Mike Swaing, a prospect who had been in for five visits and had not yet bought anything.

No Mind Reading

Salespeople are not hired for their ability at mind reading. Unfortunately, when prospects make statements such as those directed to Nick, the common salesperson’s reaction is to agree with the prospect and hope the prospect keeps talking. And if there is nothing forthcoming from the prospect, the salesperson keeps the conversation going, not by asking what the prospect meant by some statement, but by filling in with more words.

Seven Ways Your Customer Service Team Can Increase Revenues

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Statements Are NOT Questions. Don't Answer Them.

After making the best possible presentation and after spending most of the night before preparing an extensive written proposal, Tim waited with bated breath for the prospect to say “yes.” The silence in the office was broken only by the prospect leafing through the written proposal. Tim was tied in knots.

You Don't Have To Like Cold Calls, You Only Have To Make Them

Bob absolutely detests cold calling, and when he is in a sales slump, like he is this month, he’ll do just about anything to avoid the phone. He’ll update his CRM with all the new phone numbers that he can remember. Picking the lint off of his suit becomes a serious endeavor. Figuring out his commissions, should he make some sales beyond the normal price points, requires intense calculator work. Lunch time starts at around 10:40 AM.

There Are No Bad Prospects- Only Bad Salespeople

How you view your prospects determines precisely how much money you will make.

Sell today, educate tomorrow.

Tim was driving back from another disappointing sales call when it hit him. Now he knew exactly what he had to do to get more appointments and close more sales. He needed to know everything possible about his company’s products and exactly how past customers had used the products. Tim had a plan. He was going to be prepared.

The Bottom Line of Professional Selling Is Going To The Bank

Whenever I think about my first days in sales, I always remember my second sales meeting. The meeting began with the usual pep talk by the management. If you have attempted more than two sales meetings in your life, you know exactly what was said. “Sales are good…but they could be better. Our competition has a new product, but we can sell around it.” And so on for the next 30 minutes.